Interview Questions, ReactJS . January 15, 2023 . By Ankit Pathak

List of some important reactjs questions for fresher candidates

List of some important reactjs questions for fresher candidates

Here are some important questions that might be asked of a React developer during a job interview:

  1. What is React and why is it used?
  2. What is the virtual DOM and how does it work in React?
  3. How do you create a React component?
  4. What are the different ways to create a React component?
  5. How do you pass data to a React component?
  6. How do you handle events in a React component?
  7. How do you use state in a React component?
  8. How do you use props in a React component?
  9. What is the difference between state and props in React?
  10. How do you use the React lifecycle methods?
  11. How do you use the React developer tools browser extension?
  12. How do you use JSX in a React component?
  13. How do you use a third-party library or API in a React application?
  14. How do you use React Router to create a multi-page app?
  15. How do you optimize a React application for performance?
  16. How do you use Redux with React to manage application state?
  17. How do you use React Hooks to manage state and side effects in a functional component?
  18. How do you use the React Context API to share data between components?
  19. How do you use the React memoization technique to improve performance?
  20. How do you use the React error boundaries feature to handle runtime errors?
  21. How do you use the React memoization technique to improve performance?
  22. How do you use the React.lazy and React.Suspense features to lazy-load components and improve performance?
  23. How do you use the React Portals feature to render children into a DOM node outside the parent component?
  24. How do you use the React Refs feature to access the DOM from a React component?
  25. How do you use the React Fragments feature to return multiple elements from a component without adding extra nodes to the DOM?
  26. How do you use the React DOM Server API to render React components on the server-side?
  27. How do you use the React Testing Library to write unit tests for your React components?
  28. How do you use the Jest testing framework with React?
  29. How do you use the Enzyme testing library with React?
  30. How do you use the React Higher-Order Components (HOCs) pattern to reuse code across components?
  31. How do you use the React Render Props pattern to share code across components?
  32. How do you use the React Compound Components pattern to share state and behavior across components?
  33. How do you use the React Hooks pattern to share state and behavior across functional components?
  34. How do you use the React Context API to share state and behavior across components?
  35. How do you use the React Portals pattern to render children into a DOM node outside the parent component?
  36. How do you use the React Higher-Order Components (HOCs) pattern to wrap a component with additional functionality?
  37. How do you use the React Render Props pattern to pass a prop to a component that returns a component?
  38. How do you use the React Compound Components pattern to create components that share state and behavior with other components?
  39. How do you use the React Hooks pattern to manage state and side effects in a functional component?
  40. How do you use the React Context API to share data between components without prop drilling?
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